
@BellaBancroft142, sorry but no. However I made a new one, PanicAtTheBookstore_


Okay, I just wanted to make it clear that I did not steal Kidnapped for Love. There will be many, many twists, and the book will be different. I've gotten everything settled with the owner for the owner of the story, and I hope all of the mean comments will soon stop. 
          I come up with my own ideas, so please stop saying otherwise. I didn't mean for it to look like I stole her story. Plus, there's many stories similar to both of ours. I hope all of this can stop. 


I knew it! I told the writer to calm down about it and also told her that there are other stories like this. And I knew that those comments sound mean, that's why I just told you the reason why. Anyway, that you for clearing that up. And I can't wait to read, vote, and comment your book, Captured. And if you want, you can check out my books. If you want. :P 


Okay, the past 2 comments on here about your book captured, saying that it sounds familiar. First of all, they sound a bit mean which is why I'm just going to tell it to you straight. Second, they think that you are stealing this other writer's book called Kidnapped For Love which is a twilight fan fiction. You can delete this message, I wouldn't care. But if you are stealing the writer's idea, please stop. How would you like it if you came up with this amazing plot about twilight or whatever, then post a couple of chapters of it, then all of a sudden you are looking for a new book to read then come across this new book and you read it and then realize that the person stole your plot. How you feel? Angry, shocked, sad? You want that person to stop, won't you. I'm not saying that you stole Kidnapped For Love, but if you are, just please stop. Just please don't  steal somebody else's work. It hurts their feelings, so please, don't steal.