
I suck at updating stuff so this is me saying it'll be out when it's out. I'm sorry y'all 
          	Bye loves. 


Okay so I've messed up lol I accidentally mixed up a draft I had with my actual chapter. I need to go back to the beginning of the chapter and I need to fix it. Also it might be awhile before I post another chapter because I am going to write a few before posting them so I can outline my story and have the whole thing organized, as well as have daily updates.


I have decided to change things in "The Spawn of Hades", for multiple reasons; one being that I need to start fact-checking more things (about Olympus, the Greek gods, etc), and another is the way that I describe things (it makes things sound too quick). Overall I need to change many things about my writing and yes I am finishing the story before I start another one.


Hello everyone long time no see... I am thinking about writing yet another story, I know my other one isn't even near done yet and everything in it is wrong (especially the Greek gods part, I was just making up how I thought I was picturing it instead of fact-checking..) but hear me out. It's not Hogwarts or anything like that actually, it would be a Sam and Colby fic about witches' forest. When Colby goes missing he sees someone like he's never seen before. He thinks its all his imagination until she proves her existence. They end up falling for each other blah blah blah all that good stuff.. any thoughts?