
It’s Karl Jacob’s bday wooo


Quick life update: sorry I’ve been gone for a while. I was in Paris, Barcelona, and Rome for almost two weeks on a school trip and I just got back a couple weeks ago. Since then my grandma has been in the emergency room twice and her doctors are estimating she has 4-6 months left. Today was the first 4th of July in my life other than 2020 that I didn’t have anywhere to go celebrate with family. Normally we would’ve gone to my aunt and uncle’s in Maryland or to my grandparents but since both my uncle and grandpa died earlier this year we obviously couldn’t do that. So life hasn’t been treating my family very well recently and I’ve been having a really hard time adjusting to everything. Sorry to be so depressing rn but yeah that’s what’s been going on. Idk how active I’ll be in the near future but I’ll try and stay in touch


@thevampsonly earlier this year, i also went on a school trip to paris and barcelona, and it was the best trip of my life, so i’m so happy you got to do that! i am incredibly sorry about the deaths in your family; there is nothing harder than losing someone you love. you deserve the best, and i’m sorry life is not treating your family well. sending all my love to you and your family during this difficult time. <3


@thevampsonly always here if you need someone ❤️


@thegoldxnangel thank you nia <3 it was good enough I guess lol


Guess who’s in Paris


@spinalcordsword yeah we saw that today. We went to the Louvre and Eiffel Tower too


@thevampsonly slay, are you going to the arc de triomphe ? idk where it is in paris or how close it is to other things but that would be cool if you had time


@spinalcordsword THANK YOU! Very valid but if it makes you feel any better it hasn’t been all that impressive so far :,) I’m seeing the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and some other stuff today tho so maybe my opinion will change


We had to give my grandparents dog away today. Everything sucks I hate being alive


@spinalcordsword we met them yesterday and they seem like they’ll take good care of him, it’s still just so hard. They live 7 hours away so I don’t think so but maybe :/


:( i’m sure there new owner will give them lots of love, perhaps you could visit in the future who knows


GUYS GUYS IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY RN. I got a 100% on my Spanish final exam and I thought fs I was gonna bomb the writing part especially. I’m actually proud of myself that’s crazy


SLAYY omg ur basically bilingual now (lol)


We might be giving my grandparents dog to my aunt’s coworker this weekend so… lots of big changes recently and I’m not doing well lol


:/ i hope u do better soon, if u ever need to talk im here, change is hard but who knows what sorts of things the future holds, try to stay positive as best you can, im so proud of you


Cramps are actually murdering me rn and it’s day 7 of my period wtf is happening