Happy New Year Rain!!! Just keeping the tradition ❤️ May this year gives you joy.
@thewhiteknights_sun It’s so weird. I received an email stating your reply, but it’s not showing on the board which is not surprising lol. Anyway thanks hun for your lovely encouragement…yeah just give your self space and hopefully your characters will talk to you. It’s ok I don’t use either platform, but we still can chat here.
@thewhiteknights_sun Hey, hun; sorry for the late reply. WP glitches are bad. The whole getting constantly signed out is annoying, but they don’t want to fix the issues. Honestly, it’s a shame they got rid of DMs. Yeah, I moved to Inkitt with my friends there. You could give it a shot. I haven’t yet uploaded any book; I’m determined to finish it first and see. I even drew my own cover. I don’t believe you can lose your touch in writing; maybe you need to write something new and fresh. Give your book some time, and your characters will speak to you. Just a while ago, I got to write the perfect ending for my weakness, and I’m satisfied with it. Just trust the process. Also, hun let me know if you use Discord? We can chat privately there.
@Rileyaksnes that's awesome. Congrats on being able to put out a satisfactory end for your book. I envy you hahah I'll definitely try that, writing something new n different. I hope i can overcome this too like you. You even draw your own cover? wow I can't wait to see that book now >_< i don't use discord hun, only IG n X which i barely touch as well lol