Important Update
Chapter 26: A Love-Hate Tussle and Chapter 27: The Dark Side of Desire have been updated on Scrollstack. Unfortunately, I won't be posting them on Wattpad.
I opened Wattpad today after a long time, in a really good mood, and honestly, it's disheartening to see that so many days have passed since I gave you all a very small target, yet you couldn't complete it. You might think this is a small thing, but for writers like me, it holds immense significance.
Writers like me, whose parents have no idea what I’m doing on my phone—writing and editing in secrecy—putting up with all this for what? To face this kind of discouragement? You may not know, but when my sister visits, I can't even touch my phone, let alone write, because I can't write in front of her. While I can manage to write in front of my parents, if my sister finds out, it's over for me. When she's around, I can’t write for an entire month, and after that, I deal with writer's block.
Still, I keep writing—despite the risks, the secrecy, and the challenges I face. Now that my graduation is complete, I can't even use studies as an excuse to write. So tell me, why am I taking such risks to write chapters? To face this kind of response?
Don't bother voting anymore. I'll finish the book on Scrollstack instead.