
Should I show progress pics for the drawing in ATTENTION ARTISTS??  I feel like it could make more enjoyable but I want to see what you think. Let me know


@thewolfpack22 idk if this is too late, but I'd love to see your progress! I just found your art book and it's so beautiful! I can't draw full-bodies for the life of me, so that was b e a u t i f u l.


Should I show progress pics for the drawing in ATTENTION ARTISTS??  I feel like it could make more enjoyable but I want to see what you think. Let me know


@thewolfpack22 idk if this is too late, but I'd love to see your progress! I just found your art book and it's so beautiful! I can't draw full-bodies for the life of me, so that was b e a u t i f u l.


Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while! It’s been an odd month or two so it has been one of the last things on my mind. Let me know what you want updated!


@Krannywaffles thank you!! I guess just pick one that makes you excited just by thinking about it. Thats how I pick which  book to read 


@thewolfpack22 I love everything you write! I am not sure right now what I want to be updated though...


So we came up with a BOMB idea and we will be posting it as soon as possible,we will be including audio clips and videos, there will not be any people in them though because it would probably consist of me and my friends and we cannot do a reveal it's going to be really good Mwahaha. Just to let you know, you will be spooked by the book


So I just published the remastered version of my book, A Dream And A  Nightmare and I am so excited! I worked very hard on the cover and I thought a lot about my mistakes in the original! Hope you guys enjoy, later! - thewolfpack22


So the ATTENTION ARTISTS book I made is growing kinda fast, first it was 3 than it was 30 than it was 70 and now it’s like 93! Now in comparison to art books that have been out longer that’s small and I know that, but it is still growing fast  for my stuff. Just know I appreciate all of  you!