
The shower is the best place to hide.  U can't hear the texts come through.  No one can hear u crying and no one can see ur tears through the dripping water not even u. As the water turn red as it's swirling down the plug hole. 


Hi there! Thank you for adding/ voting for my story and adding it into your reading list. It really means a lot to me. Perhaps you would like to check out my other Steve Rogers book 'A Little Blue Goes A Long Way'. It features Joseph and Sarah Rogers. :)


Jadey start a convo on this because you can make group chats


 Now, she says she wants to indroduce us when in reality I nagged her to :D


@artful_eponine hey stony-filled-trash! This is ciara. Ik ur probably asleep now but I just wanted to introduce you two


Hey guys so I just updated my stony story. It's been a while since i worked on it. The 18th of august to be exact. I hope you all get a chance to read it. Let me know what you think.  I'm sorry if it's bad but it's been a while and I've lost my touch. Hope you like it.