Is this still being worked on? I started this on episode and then went straight to Wattpad when you switched over. Read it up until you started slowing down and have been periodically checking it hoping to see that you’ve uploaded something new!

So glad to hear it! You’re an incredible writer!! I’m part of this really awesome book club on Facebook and I know that if you introduced this on there a lot more people would love it too! It’s called Sarah’s Book Club. It’s a safe and friendly space for people who love to read, write, journal, etc.!

Yes! I’m still working on it! I’ve currently been rewriting it. I wanted to spruce up the beginning and flesh it out a little more. My writing has changed since I first started, so I’m just trying to bring it up to the level I’m at now. So, I’m adding a lot of new content and chapters! It’s just taking me a while. Once I finish with it, I’ll update it all at once, then publish new chapters after!