
Hopefully, I'll upload probably the most profane and sinful thing I've ever written soon, if not within the month. Hope you guys like it


Hello! I’m the owner of thewriterlife! I got locked out of my original account some years ago, and when I tried to log in out of curiosity I found I couldn’t. If anyone happens to read this, I truly apologize for what my teenaged self has put you through. However, if you like me, you can find me on tumblr and ao3  at mntyaggrssn, where I’m still very much active.


Some times I just really like casually droping off the face of the earth like no big deal. In case you're wondering, that fanfici spoke of  now sits in my documents, sad and unfinished. But, some of you guys seem interested, so i might make it into a flash fic :)  
          I also started a new novel, which i might upload eventually. If you're interested in my other hobbies besides writing, you can check out my youtube channel, where i upload bass guitar covers of songs i like at riotgrrl


God spare my soul and allow it to be at peace. My dear Hamilton shall never know his legacy and his dear Eliza will have never done enough. God willing, could we not let them know their story is told and loved or did Death take them in his embrace and they were at peace even if they were unsure at the prospect of integrity immortality in glory?