Hello!!! So I've finally made my writing comeback and oh my GOD was it hard to write again, but it was indeed very fun :') I know my new fic is not exactly an easy read, nor a crowd pleaser, but it's something I'm immensely satisfied with and proud of. Writing this story was an emotional journey, trust me, and I struggled every step of the way. Sooo, if you haven't read it, please check out "Almost is never enough" and I'd really appreciate it if you could spare a minute or two on giving me some comments or feedback, because it's very nerve-wracking to put my stuff out there, again. Anyway, expect some lighthearted, genuinely fun things coming up very soon! I have a project in store but for this particular one I'll just post it on Twitter, so if you're still (hopefully) interested in my writing, follow me @thewritingbunny on Twitter!! As always, thank you for reading my trash fics and supporting me so far!

@thewritingbunny_ love all of your fics!I'm looking forward to new ones!But I couldn't find your account on twitter

@thewritingbunny_ wow. That was really good. Real, well written. It touched me. I'm so glad u r back!!!! Yayyy