03/15/2022 and I'm back at writing (well, drafting process but I guess that's just the same thing) again! It's been a year?! Gaaaahd, I wanna fill my library with lots of stories to be inspired with. Hoping all is well. Good night!
03/15/2022 and I'm back at writing (well, drafting process but I guess that's just the same thing) again! It's been a year?! Gaaaahd, I wanna fill my library with lots of stories to be inspired with. Hoping all is well. Good night!
Hallo guys!
So if you ever pass by my account because of my friends’ announcements I’d love to say HELLO WELCOME TO THE INACTIVE SIDE OF WP! I really have to allot time/schedule in continuing my story. It’s a must actually. Don’t worry I will definitely publish it. Hallurrr, making a book is a dream! So yeah, just wait for it and stay safe. Mwah!
PS. To authors, keep writing and doing what you love. No one’s stopping you. Your readers & supporters do appreciate your effort. Love y’all!