


@MayOfRoses I can understand being picky, I am VERY picky when it comes to my stories and thank you. I really wasn't sure if I should make a sequel because I wasn't sure what it should be about. I'm constantly listen to music for title ideas and Florence & The Machineis a big influence for me. Your admiration deeply appreciated, I had stopped writing for a period till my cousin had me edit her story. I just like writing and if people enjoy it as well, then I am happy to oblige them.


@GhetraHalfrican I love the Idea Of a sequel! the song Idea is awesome also, I'm always listening to music then thinking how the song relates to a story or movie I've seen. I admire how you keep writing though I just now started publishing a story on here after writing about 5 of them it's the only one so fare that meet's my standard's I'm just to picky about my own stuff I think lol..