
@WingGirl004 oh almost forgot if u'd ever lik to chat we can talk on kik mine is meghan_mellark. Would love to talk with you.


@WingGirl004 I've been writing 4 stories, 2 of which I've published(We Are All Psychopath and The Tribute From District 12) on my other account VampureGirl. The 2 other ones are a Marcelee(or Marshaline I personally prefer to call in Marshaline) fanfiction and the other is an Apocoliptic story. Those 2 I'm going to make them completley and then I'll post them.


@WingGirl004 ive written a few stories but they're all on my other account Vampuregirl. I've written 2 stories called We Are All Psychopaths and The Tribute From District 12. Though I do have 2 more stories in production one of them is a Marcelee (i like to call them Marshaline instead but wateves) fanfic and another is an Apocolapse story. I'm going to make them completley and then post them so that'll take some time.