Hello I'm not sure if you saw my comment on the argument that you and my little cousin are having so basically she's 11 years old. I was just arguing with you also I didn't realize that you was logged into my account because I was repairing my phone and it took 4 days (which is this account). I generally just like to apologize to you and your friends for the inconvenience of arguing for that long she's going to get in trouble and have a punishment I hope we can be on good terms!!(/^-^(^ ^*)/(/^-^(^ ^*)/

@bubblesbobas I hope this doesn't come off weird but if you remember that thread you and my cousin got into a argument about that joke. Even though you're not the one who made the comment if you could ask your friend to delete it because even though I deleted all the comments on there I'm still getting spammed and it makes me feel really stupid. I'm begging you if you can ask your friend to delete it PLEASE and sorry again if I disrupted you.

@thisisacoolusername1 thank you and sorry again I have to apologize to a bunch of people

@bubblesbobas Dont worry about it i dont mind it was even a bit funny so you didnt inconvenienced (i dont think thats a word) me at all