
Soon we reached Neverland.


This dark room in your heart will affected your body, trust me. You keep pushing people away. You make yourself seems worthless. And you keep thinking yourself down. You distruct yourself with your thoughts and actions. Your body became weak all along when the dark room spread widely in your body. Your ears will hear something that bring yourself down,even it is the slightest silly things they talk to you. Your eyes will beam anger and sympathy in a same time. People will call you freak. Your eyes will hold all of your energy not to weep that easily. Trust me.


Emptiness is something that you feel when  loneliness take place all over you. And loneliness is some kind of feeling when you feel everything is not right, you talked to yourself often than you communicate with people, maybe the situation,or you dont find a right person. And might be, the person you always be there for you,left you.


Mula senyum. Dunia,bukan tempat derita. Baru dia faham . Mereka kata, dunia tempat ujian. Jadi dia mula gelisah, ujian hanya sekali. Dan yang dilihat di dunia. Dia kena lepas ujian ini. Untuk kembali ke tempat asalnya, syurga. Namun semakin gelap hatinya. Dicari, mengapa? Rupanya ada dalam dirinya sendiri. Dia bersangka dunia tempat derita,tiada sebab untuk gembira. Dan sekarang dia mengerti,tak semestinya ujian kau hadapi dengan air mata berlinang mcm sungai di pipi.