@Jatrisha1999 Hey Chica, Just a warning I will be brutally honest- and please just know this is the point of constructive criticism.
1| This ones just a personally opinion but I never really liked stories that spoke thoughts. I would suggest using more dialogue and/or put her thoughts in italics.
2| This ties into number one, when you do speak her thoughts use more transition words and elaborate on her thoughts.
3| So far Ive only gotten through two chapters but with grammar (do: yay! don't: yay !) having the space between it demonstrates a "younger" writer. Not having that space between shows you're more professional about your writing
4| I don't know about you but Im a sophomore in high school and I use a large vocabulary- I would suggest for commonly used words you google synonyms and try to use those. In my experience, larger words (not too many though) usually keeps me interested.
These are allI have right now, Ill update when I finished reading. Remember Im not trying to be rude or ignorant- Im just giving the advice I think about when writing my own story.