
Hey, guys! So I just want you all to know I'll be rewriting ALL THAT'S LEFT because I'm not really satisfied with what I've done and it seems really unorganized and there's a LOT, like really a LOT of errors and the plot doesn't go well very much. I'll be posting an update regarding this and it'll be more detailed. Please read that one to fully understand why I'm doing crappy things like this. Thanks.


Hey, guys! So I just want you all to know I'll be rewriting ALL THAT'S LEFT because I'm not really satisfied with what I've done and it seems really unorganized and there's a LOT, like really a LOT of errors and the plot doesn't go well very much. I'll be posting an update regarding this and it'll be more detailed. Please read that one to fully understand why I'm doing crappy things like this. Thanks.