Creo en Larry y Ziam y tu opinión es inválida.

Larry y Ziam como respuesta a todo.

Amando Ziam con todas mis fuerzas.

"-If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
-Right next to you Liam"
"-Bye Zayn I love you
-I love you too, I love you forever"
"Interviewer: I gotta ask you about bromances between Liam and Niall and Louis and Harry, that you guys are like...
Zayn: Ohh killing me. I thought I was me and you (to Liam)
"Liam:Bye Zayn, have a fun flight home!
Zayn: I'll try but I'll miss you too much Liam."
"Zayn asleep on my shoulder aww bless lol"
"Liam to Zayn: You look like a sexy secretary"
"I'd make Liam my slave and I would make him be my uh personal trainer!"
"My inspiration for dancing actually comes from you Liam"
"Zayn, you actually influence me as a person"
"He was texting me saying he was missing me"
"So happy birthday babe"
"I ended kissing Zayn once! Zayn was like: c'mon on then come on. Putting his head close to me, like when you are having a fight. Then he just leaned foward and kissed me!"
"Liam: I mean how could someone stay mad at Zayn"
"Liam: We all know Zayn's got a brilliant voice
Zayn: Awwww Liam stop it, stop it"
"Zayn: Well, we got a bit drunk and we were goofing of and we ended up kissing"
"My name is Zayn, I'm insane in the brain, I'm wrapped all over by Mr. Liam Payne"
"Liam: -looks Zayn in the eyes-
I supose you always want what you can't have"
"Interviewer: Describe your ideal man
Liam: He is dark and misterious. And he can sing. And he can riff like and angel.
Harry: I think you just described Zayn"
"When Zayn was on stage I was smiling for no reason"

Por esto y mucho más creo en Ziam como romance.
Respeto opiniones pero no siempre las comparto :)
  • España
  • JoinedAugust 5, 2015