
If you guys like reading and bookish things like that then go follow @this.realm.of.words on instagram for some snazzy bookish pics....


Hey guys so lol I haven't been active in a year or so, that's pretty crazy. I'm back now and I'm really going to be focusing on my new book: If This Town Could Speak. It's basically about three different teens dealing with each of their own issues and how they get thrown together. if you're into anything like that go ahead and check that book out! I think it's definitely going to be my best one yet.


Hey guys!! Kawaii Momo here, I just wanted to apologize for being inactive lately, my crazy life got in the way of writing, plus I've been thinking about my current stories: Let Me Be Your Home, and Ancient Forces. Here's what I've thought: I think I'm going to delete LMBYH because I just am starting to not like the plot and stuff, plus I have so many good ideas for other books that I'm excited to write, and I'm going to put AF on pause temporarily, I don't know how long that pause will be, but hopefully not long, let me know what you think, I love feedback from you guys
          Until next time


Hey everyone! So you've probably noticed how inactive I've been, but that's because since my iPad was returned to my school I haven't been able to write, but now fortunately I've found another way to write on my kindle, but know that it's very glitchy so I will most likely miss typos so if you guys see anything please let me know! Until next time...
          Nya ~