
hi everyone. please sign the petitions and donate if you're able:
          	we cannot stand idly by. it's up to all of us to end police brutality & systemic racism.
          	black lives matter.


Do you plan do to any more writing for The Monkees on here? Even if they’re just little snippets sometimes?


@therecordcompany omg you are totally fine sweetie! thank you for letting me know~


@thorkelson oh you’re too kind!! i didn’t really have any in mind.  i may think of some, but really anything you’re able to conjure up, if/when you can, is just fine! 
            p.s. sorry the reply took so long to get to you 


@therecordcompany hi sweetpea! i will try to~ omg you are so sweet for even asking. do you have any types of plots you'd like to see?


oh peter. how do i begin to describe what you've done for me in the 8 years that i've loved you? i'll keep this simple in an attempt to stop the tears (or try to, at least). you're the absolute embodiment sunshine and your music was a gift to the world. thank you for everything and rest in peace. say 'hi' to davy for us!