
Here... 2 new updates, 1 intro and 1 new story!! Hope you like it!! :D


btw thanks add dekat awk punya reading list, thanks sudi vote, thanks sudi baca, thanks sudi mengomen, thanks sudi jadi follower saya, thanks sudi mengenali saya.. dan minta maaf 100000× sangat sangat. Saya xtau yg awk ni senior saya. Main terjah mcm tu je chat ngn awk. Rasa mcm x hormat awk je. Banyak² thanks banyak² sorry!!!! maaf beribu-ribu ampun! T.T


@Nuriiz_Akimoto hahaa.. awk xde slh la.. xpe je.. busy dgn drama adela skrg.. dkt sklh busy sgt, so kita tgk drama mlm mlm. tu yg busy tu.. Hahahaa.. U r no different with me, naughty and stubborn is my style.. hahaa.. dh mcm ayt Kris


@khunnie2406 thanks sudi layan saya yg entah ape² ni. Mesti saya ade ganggu awak yg tengah busykan? sorry again! Kind ?  hehehe .. well not really kind at all , Sometimes I'm naughty and stubborn girl too. Tapi kalau benda tu mmg salah saya, saya betul² minta maaf! Tak sengaja..


@Nuriiz_Akimoto alah. Xpe, xde mslh pon lah! .. hahaa.. nk tnye, xde pape. Saya sudi je balas. You're most wolcome, my dear. btw, You're so kind.


Wah! wah! wah! thanks vote T.T *terharu*


@khunnie2406 hehe.. 15 tahun ^^ awk pulak?


@Nuriiz_Akimoto kita saling menge-vote.. hahaa.. btw, awk umur brape?