
          	Short note: I am not writing any books. Not now, nor ever.
          	The books are now not only going to unpublished but also deleted.
          	No "wronged in love", or "presence" and "the court fling". All are going to be officially deleted in few weeks.
          	And I'll just be a reader, enjoying in the audience. ;)
          	As ever I remain,


I love your book! The way you phrase words is truly something :")


no problem, it's true! + if I'm not wrong, it's actually scribbler * not scribler :)) I'm not sure, though! 


          Short note: I am not writing any books. Not now, nor ever.
          The books are now not only going to unpublished but also deleted.
          No "wronged in love", or "presence" and "the court fling". All are going to be officially deleted in few weeks.
          And I'll just be a reader, enjoying in the audience. ;)
          As ever I remain,


Love makes you do things you don't want to do. Love makes you do things you never knew you want to do.
          Love knows you and love owns you. You summon yourself to love like water to cloud. And love makes you shine a brilliant colours just like a single light reflects a raindrop casting a beautiful rainbow.
          You're not you in love. You're something more and something less but extraordinary nothing less.
          If only you know the beauty of love and how it turns you into ashes just because it sparkles like a spitfire, you'd know.
          You'd know that you're nothing without love just as Love's nothing without you, and together you'll make something beautiful and new.
          ~Thoughtless Scribbler~


@thoughtless_scribler  what reference? And NO, I AM NOT!


@thoughtless_scribler I did see the reference and BTW are u experiencing loveeeee


          I am deleting "presence". Even though it's a mystery romance novel; it's turning out shitty (on Wattpad). I am pretty good writer (some people say) but it all goes out of the room/box when I type. It turns shittier (no offense on language) than ever. I cannot process what I am writing and it ends up making no sense. It's about a girl that can't be seen (in literal sense) by a boy that she's stuck with. She can sense he's fimiliar and predict his movement; she doesn't know why. And the boy is dealing with his mysterious past while trying to figure out the 'presence' he feels around him.
          "Wronged in love"; a cliche romance novel that revolves around religious different between male and female and thier hardships, will continue on Wattpad.
          PS: is there a good novel? I am really bored! 


@thoughtless_scribler noooo!!!!!!!! shut up!!!!!!