
I am back in the swing of things and working on Free As A Byrd again! Yesterday I edited previous chapters quite extensively, so I recommend going back and re reading as I have changed some plot points to better shape the future of the story, as well as added a more descriptive back story. I am also feeling very inspired lately so expect updates!


I am back in the swing of things and working on Free As A Byrd again! Yesterday I edited previous chapters quite extensively, so I recommend going back and re reading as I have changed some plot points to better shape the future of the story, as well as added a more descriptive back story. I am also feeling very inspired lately so expect updates!


I'm currently drowning in school work so I'm unable to update Free As A Byrd as often as I had wanted to. But I'm currently trying to get everything out and organized for me because I have so many ideas for where I want this story to go, so I'll be updating as often as I can! <3


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list, I really hope you enjoy it <3


Thanks for your feedback  and I‘ll gladly look into yours as well :)


@bluefangmagic I'm really enjoying it, great storyline! I'm working on a Sev story too, Free As A Byrd, if you'd like to take a look 


Hi, fellow Alan Rickman fan :)
          Love your username btw ✨


@threeninetyfour That's alright :) I understand
            And thanks :)


@Flame_of_Frost Sorry for the last response, I'm a full time college student! Thank you so much, love yours too!


Hey, I'm always excited to see people adoring Alan Rickman as much as me. He is such a great actor!!! I loved how he played Snape!
          So, I wrote a story about Snape and would love to get some feedback...
          Thank you<3


@ threeninetyfour  Thank you! 