
Omg I hope you’re doing okay with this whole pandemic. I know it might be really stressful and there’s online classes going on so don’t pressure yourself. We can get through this together. Anyways, can’t wait for you’re update, stay safe <333


@adracosbabe I decided to reread the playing with venom boom cause I forgot what had happened before and I never knew how drastically the character changed. She was so daring and sassy and then turned broken and I think that’s the exact way a student like her should be acting for this time in the book, so I applaud u for making her character and the way she feels so well. You would never think such s bold girl would wanna fall off the astronomy tower but that’s how real ur story is. This happens and real life and it shows that just because u we’re happy before doesn’t mean u won’t be broken later. I love your book! Please keep updating, I’ll be waiting <3


im actually so flattered by this omg tysm 