hey, i don’t think you’ll reply to this but wanted to say hey

this message may be
holy shit- hello! dont feel bad <3 it’s just like that and that’s okay. i dont have snapchat (or insta for that matter), sorry ): i’d love to be in contact with you more, but understand that wattpad may not be the best way. i’ve no idea how else though, if you aren’t comfortable with exchanging data (i dont think i am either). maybe we could try to talk here? and that’s okay <3 i missed you xxxxx

@Potato190505 hi, sorry I am always on and off (mostly off let's be honest). I just got on here again after a preeetty long time without wattpad and feel so bad for not staying in touch and I really would like to catch up a little. I could send you my snapchat (if I can figure out how to do that haha) since it'd be an easy way to chat without having to exchange personal data and it's probably a bit more practical than the dm function on here. Only if you want to of course. If you don't feel comfortable with that, we don't have to. I just really want to well get in touch again I suppose :P PS: thanks for checking in, it really means a lot <3