Twin I know you been waiting on this paragraph for a long long time, and I finally am in the right mood to write it for you. I just find it amazing how out of all the moments or long periods of times that we wasn't talking that we are still super close. It's been years, I can't remember exactly how we met I think it was at a wp party back in the day lmfao. We was always together at every party, or at our "friends" wp house books. Yikes the cringe of the memories but back then all of that was popular. At that time I wasn't popular nor am I popular now. But with a friend/twin like you by my side I didn't and still don't need popularity. Even in my over emotional times you was always there for me, during break ups and etc. And I remember all the times I "left" wp you didn't replace my spot nor did you push me away when I came back. Lmao can you believe between the time of us knowing each other I was married 3 times, had over 15 baby mamas, over 50 kids, and now I'm single with just a son. ☠☠☠ Hilarious. I love you thot pocket, only I can insult you like this and not mean it ☠❤. And just know you're part of my motivation to keep doing me.