
this message may be offensive
I want the pain to go away
          	I feel beyond numb at this point
          	I’m empty 
          	I’m alone
          	No one can see that I’m near my breaking point, one thing is keeping me tethered but without it I would be long gone, 
          	I’m sorry I am a burden
          	I’m sorry I’m a flake
          	I’m sorry I sigh 
          	I’m sorry I close my eyes and look away in fear of the past reliving itself,
          	I don’t want anyone else to hurt, but I can’t handle more pain
          	I finally picked up the broken pieces, and yet again as soon as I’m almost back together, 
          	Everything shatters, 
          	I’m trying so damn hard to not do shit 
          	But it’s hard,
          	It’s hard to not want to die when all you get is hate
          	It’s hard to not want to die when you’re told you’re a burden
          	It’s hard to not want to die when you’re told you’re lying about trauma,


this message may be offensive
I want the pain to go away
          I feel beyond numb at this point
          I’m empty 
          I’m alone
          No one can see that I’m near my breaking point, one thing is keeping me tethered but without it I would be long gone, 
          I’m sorry I am a burden
          I’m sorry I’m a flake
          I’m sorry I sigh 
          I’m sorry I close my eyes and look away in fear of the past reliving itself,
          I don’t want anyone else to hurt, but I can’t handle more pain
          I finally picked up the broken pieces, and yet again as soon as I’m almost back together, 
          Everything shatters, 
          I’m trying so damn hard to not do shit 
          But it’s hard,
          It’s hard to not want to die when all you get is hate
          It’s hard to not want to die when you’re told you’re a burden
          It’s hard to not want to die when you’re told you’re lying about trauma,