I've been having a hard time going to sleep lately, not like 'I've been stayed up till 2 am', but like I've pulling all nighters so many time in a row, not just one or two, but like probably 15 now.
I can't sleep because of these dreams, I can't call them nightmares, but they oddly could be true, they terrifie me and that part makes me not want to sleep.
In writing a book to help me cope with it, I hope it helps.
Just for information, I'm fourteen and have oddly vivid dreams. I've been seeing stuff at night like this figure the lures over me before I do acutely fall asleep at 5 or 6 in the morning, it's tall(8 feet probably), burnt, barley skin but bones, it drools a lot and there's ever stains on the floor because of the drool.
I might need mental help because of this, it's getting worse and I don't know what to do.
Most likely no ones going to see this or do anything about it, but I need to get this off of my chest.