
Hey guys, chapter 32 of Story of her Life is up!! Please go and check it out.


Hey guys I know it's been a while and I am assuming that you are all mad at me for not updating. I am even mad at me for not writing. Here is the deal, I have it all in my head but can't get it out. 
          Another thing, even though I can't write that story for some strange reason, I have other ideas booming in my head. 
          All in all I wanted to know if you guys would read it. I want your opinions before I go any further.
          Lemme know please. 


Hey guys, I am extremely sorry I have been absent lately. Its just that my life has turned a 360 spin (for both good and bad). Point is updating schedule will be a little hectic. I have a chapter half way done, I will try to finish it tomorrow since its a holiday in my country. (Which means no work for me and more time to write). 
          New schedule for posting will be once every two weeks or before that base on my work load. Please bare with me and continue to vote, comment and share. I love you all so much and thanks for the continued support.
          Tianna xoxo!!!!