Sad Story Time
In my L.A. class i sit in the back with all the boys. Not even one girl sits back there. And one time i asked ONE of them for A pencil. Then they all start saying 'I have one' and then they looked at each other and started arguing and my teacher of this class has wrinkle free skin but that day, i swear i saw multiple pop up and this happens on a daily basis. Sometimes they will hold my backpack when I HAVE ARMS and can DO IT MYSELF or when im about to go grab something from the front of the room like a worksheet or sharpen my pencil THEY DO IT FOR ME? Im sorry but everyone can see how they act towards me and my friends that all sit by each other laugh about it. And today was a 'No Mask Day' as in we didnt have to wear masks and everyone was complimenting me that I look beautiful without a mask and I felt so loved but when I got to class, they would not stop staring and it got so weird. I didnt pay attention because I was laying down and turns out I have a test tomorrow and I dont even know what its about pray for me please