@Trapped-daydreams I have never typed that word on this phone, that's why I was so shocked. I was just like "E.S.P- rape?!" And I wasn't at school because my mom was to scared to drive on the road and it was an excused absence so I was like, 'Eh, why not?'
@Trapped-daydreams I can Imagine that, you saying something really smart and then your cousins looking at you like 'Wha?' Actually that feels like something I would do. Just be like five seconds after someone said something I'd do. anyways sorry gtg, also sorry for taking so long we were eating lunch
@Trapped-daydreams Same. But instead of cousins arguing, it's me trying to have intelligent conversations with my cousins and them going 'huh?' or them laughing at something I said even though it's entirely true. I usually just stick to talking to my dad at thanksgiving family dinners.