@tickandtock Really!? You have a game to of which one is Tick or Tock.Can we try it? CAN WE!? CAN WE!?
-I love guessing games!
--You mean...We?
@alliway Tick: you said we were trying to throw you off as in saying that I said I was tock when I'm tick
Tock: yea see no one has guessed which one's which and we watched this anime recently that had twins like us with the same problem hikaru and kaoru..
Both girls: so we know that if they can't do it then no one ever will x smiles x
@alliway Tick: you think we're lying?
Tock: we're not you don't know how much we would like for once for someone t tell us apart
Tick: and the two people we want to tell us apart most of all are
both girls: hikaru and kaoru
both girls: hello x smiles x were the time twins our last name is time and our names are tick and tock I bet you can't guess which one is which is tock on the left or the right ha ha