I'm back! After a stressful few months and whole lot of stuff going on in my life. I'm definitely back fist on the agenda is SHATTERED SOUL. I apologize wholeheartedly to everyone who has been waiting for this story to be finished for so long, thank you so much for sticking with me though and I can PROMISE YOU this, i will be updating all chapters during the day today and writing new ones everyday until it is finished. ROCKSTARS BABIES will be put on the back burner until I have completed shattered soul. The chapters are different so you may need to re-read they are longer and way more detailed and informative. I want to make this book, something special it's my baby and I want to get it right for everyone who has stuck by me through this time. So first chapter is up and going already :) don't forget to give it a vote or share if you like it!! Lots of love xx