
Hi, all. I'm not dead, still alive and breathing. I know how it feels when a fic has stopped updating without warning, and I feel so guilty to leave y'all hanging with an announcement, a message...
          	I haven't touched my Wattpad account in over three months.
          	I just haven't been coping well since the start of this year. School's been hard on me, exams always seem to be around the corner, never giving me a break. I feel like I have to keep up with my teacher's, parents and classmate's expectations. Even in a neighborhood school, it's still very competitive, I have no choice but to also be competitive to keep up. It's pretty shitty how academics are held above every other regard. Want to go to a good school? Have good grades. Want to get a good job? Have good grades. Reforms are coming, but it's agonisingly slow, and it's so depressing knowing that the new reforms probably won't have much of an impact on my education right now.
          	Since last year, there has been a steady decline in my motivation to continue with writing CH fanfics. I have lost interest, and there seem to be no fics that keep me interested in this fandom. Not saying that 90% of all CH fics are bad, but the crazy shipping and the horrible misrepresentation of countries turn me away from this fandom. Plus, I'm really disappointed in my own writing ability. Jabłko just isn't up to my standards and it's just so trash. I'm no longer interested in continuing it.
          	I had quite a number of works planned for the future, but I feel my ability to write just isn't it and I'm scared future fics will turn out like Jabłko.


@tiger1Lily part 2: I'm trying to ease myself back into writing CH fics, but as I said before, my life looks to be more hectic and busy in the future and I'm not sure how I could still continue with writing while prioritising my school life. Or maybe I'm just too blind to see that I'm forcing myself to choose between a false dichotomy.
          	  I'm sorry, this is more of a rant than an apology.


Hi, all. I'm not dead, still alive and breathing. I know how it feels when a fic has stopped updating without warning, and I feel so guilty to leave y'all hanging with an announcement, a message...
          I haven't touched my Wattpad account in over three months.
          I just haven't been coping well since the start of this year. School's been hard on me, exams always seem to be around the corner, never giving me a break. I feel like I have to keep up with my teacher's, parents and classmate's expectations. Even in a neighborhood school, it's still very competitive, I have no choice but to also be competitive to keep up. It's pretty shitty how academics are held above every other regard. Want to go to a good school? Have good grades. Want to get a good job? Have good grades. Reforms are coming, but it's agonisingly slow, and it's so depressing knowing that the new reforms probably won't have much of an impact on my education right now.
          Since last year, there has been a steady decline in my motivation to continue with writing CH fanfics. I have lost interest, and there seem to be no fics that keep me interested in this fandom. Not saying that 90% of all CH fics are bad, but the crazy shipping and the horrible misrepresentation of countries turn me away from this fandom. Plus, I'm really disappointed in my own writing ability. Jabłko just isn't up to my standards and it's just so trash. I'm no longer interested in continuing it.
          I had quite a number of works planned for the future, but I feel my ability to write just isn't it and I'm scared future fics will turn out like Jabłko.


@tiger1Lily part 2: I'm trying to ease myself back into writing CH fics, but as I said before, my life looks to be more hectic and busy in the future and I'm not sure how I could still continue with writing while prioritising my school life. Or maybe I'm just too blind to see that I'm forcing myself to choose between a false dichotomy.
            I'm sorry, this is more of a rant than an apology.


I'm not dead, I'm not dead. I'm just questioning the entire plot and existence of the Jabłko book. Somewhere the story went off it's rails, and a story about neo-colonialism and nuclear warhead conspiracy turned into a couple people going to the Afterworld to bother an alleged murderer's grandpa. Please hold the line while I try to find a way to end this disaster.


I remember this dream I had more than a year ago. Quebec managed to gain independence from Canada, then the new Quebec government decided to invade the rest of Canada. Canada was pushed all the way along the Canadian-American border. I remember waking up extremely frightened.


Probably should have announced this earlier, but it's my streaming year and I desperately want to get into this specific subject combination. I'll be busy until 7 October. I'm sorry, but this year is really important for me, I just want to get into the triple science class.


It's currently just me, my best friend in one room, and I'm reading to her. One day, I may become famous overnight on Wattpad. But right now, it's just you, me and-well, no one else. I don't really want to change that just yet. Maybe that day will come too quickly. Or maybe it'll never come at all. I don't know what to think.


@tiger1Lily I'm kinda afraid of publicity, to the point where I'll mute-unmute followers that I don't want (that removes their follow to me).
            On the internet, everyone can judge you for what you say.  It's scary.


Imagine your fantasy world. It's all in your mind, but you are their god. I mean, you did just create them from your own experiences, memories, and such


@tiger1Lily Especially since some of their families (countryhumans age and die like normal people so the countryhood is passed on through generations) have agreed to not talk as to not subject their children to the issues of their countries (but also depriving them of useful human connections lol)


@tiger1Lily If that did actually happen though id be a nightmare for all the countryhumans involved to coordinate their schedules-


@tiger1Lily Bangladesh and India before 2017 (or something): *vibes in third-order exclave*