
AHHHHH YES HAPPY PRIDE MONTH  I WILL ACCEPT AND SUPPORT YOU NO MATTER YOUR SEXUALITY GENDER ETC. and if you don’t accept others for there self expression and cant be kind to others please unfollow me. AGAIN HAPPY PRIDE MONTH ️‍



hey wifey !! long time no see. r u cheating on me?? we haven’t talked for like ages and im certainly not finding it a kind act. u and i love mint choco chip, i thought we were suppose to be soulmates. im sad u made me sad. i’ll dm harry and tell him how u forgot about ur only wife !! >:(( 


I was just thinking about what I want to do for my next chapter of WALLS Live On Tour it’s going to be from Louis POV and is the same night of Arabella’s POV so if you have any requests or ideas please send help  because my brain is just not working thanks babes.(Also you can ignore this if you want). HAVE A NICE NIGHT OR DAY AND TPWK AND ILY SM STAY HEALTHY 


idk you but you seem rly cool and i love your book so much. do you think you could give me a shoutout? it would mean the world from my favorite writer


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Also your quote for the day is:
            Do no harm, take no shit 