
I would appreciate it if you would remove my stories from your reading list and library. All of your comments have been deleted. If you don’t like my story and have nothing nice to say then find something else to read. Goodbye and have a nice day. 


@itsmayaax i get the coping mechanism but I just can't wrap by head around the fact that ppl find it hot when others get raped/assaulted in books. but to each their own ig


Thank you and I apologize. It’s sad that people go through that but most of the people who read my books are only into CNC because they’ve been raped themselves. That’s why I try not to judge anyone because you don’t know what their story is. I was molested as a child and I tend to write CNC stories as a way to cope. It’s weird but it helps. 


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@itsmayaax its a good book it's just ppl who find rape/assault who make me mad. my mother was raped, and it shouldn't be something that ppl find hot. 