
I hope the holiday season has gotten better for you; Happy Friday! <33


@tigerlillyruiz Thank you, so do I! <33
            Absolutely, I love treating myself, especially after accomplishments like that. <333
            Yeah, and even if there doesn't end up being two more, at least we'll still have Part 2 to be excited to see! <3333
            ~Love, Sunset


@SunsetMercer nah its totally fine lol it was funny Im never that clumsy but I swear if I wasn't wearing the shoes I was my toes would be purple from the amount of times I stubbed it and tripped and all that stuff lol I honestly amazed myself 
            But thanks I'm sure ill be fine 
            Ooh that makes sense, I just know that some  people spend like one day with each side of the family and some have like a friends ggiving and work thanksgiving all on different days 
            I hope yours turns out awesome B)
            Same I just see you as someone who has loads of friends 
            Yeah mke it fun! O e box at a time! And when you finish each box or every 3 or whatever you get a reward like a candy or something delicious or you can break out dancing BD
            Oooo that sounds awesome!!  I hope so BD!! 


@tigerlillyruiz Yikes, that's horrible. I hope you'll be able to relax soon and heal from your injuries. <3
            No, I just meant that Thanksgiving is this week and I have a lot of holiday stuff going on during it. <33
            Unfortunately, I can't do that, since I don't really have any friends offline anymore, though I have been putting music on before unpacking stuff.
            Yep, I'm willing to bet there'll be two more movies, though that's just a theory. <3
            ~Love, Sunset


Are you doing alright, love? <3


@tigerlillyruiz Yeah, it was a stress storm, but it's definitely a bit of an adventure too. <3
            Yeah, my headache went away, fortunately, and packing went alright; it was a lot of work, but I had help, so it went slightly smoother than if I was alone. <33
            I'm so sorry to hear that; I hope things get better for you soon, and if you ever need and/or want to talk, I'm always here! <333
            I'm actually already moved; I moved late last night, and now, it's just a matter of getting settled in. <3333
            ~Love, Sunset


            Oo moving sounds like no fun to do but also nice depending where you go, lots of work but an adventure 
            Oof I get that, I asked my sisters to read my story… big mistake its been over a year and they still haven't made time for my story and I have been having confidence issues in my writing ever since 
            Have you tried drinking water, sometimes it helps 
            How did packing go?
            Thank you, but its hailing at this point lol
            The torn muscle in my shoulder hasn't gotten better because no one is helping me and to top it all off I'm in the restroom… food poisoning its 2 am and I haven't slept yet and I have a flight at 12
            So what day do you move? Still have days left to pack?


@tigerlillyruiz No worries, and I feel that; my day's been one rough hurdle after another. <3
            I could be doing better. I'll be moving tomorrow and still have a fair bit left to do. There's also been a pretty heavy decrease in reader engagement on my books, which has taken a nasty toll. On top of that, I've got a bad headache.
            So, I'm really just trying to relax for a few hours before I have to get back to packing. I hope things start looking up for you soon, sweetheart. <33
            ~Love, Sunset


Good evening, love; I hope your day/night has been good to you. <33
          Stay safe & hydrated. <333
          ~Love, Sunset


@tigerlillyruiz Of course. <33
            Awe, I'm so, so glad that I've had that much of an impact on you; it's always a pleasure to know that my stories bring joy to my friends, no matter what they're going through. <333
            I couldn't agree more. <3333
            ~Love you 3000, Sunset


Thank you:)
            I'm glad I could brighten your day 
            You do the same for me, it was so nice to sit down for the few minutes I could today and find a new chapter. You have no idea how much that is in a time like this so thank you 
            Ok that's exciting making progress on a work is always a wonderful feeling:)


@tigerlillyruiz No worries at all, Tigerlilly. I hope you're able to rest & regain energy soon, if you haven't gotten to already. <3
            I'm doing good, thank you; your comments on "More Than Fate" made my day brighter, and I'm proud of myself for making more headway on one of my upcoming books, "A Midnight Masquerade". <33
            ~Love, Sunset


How's the week treating you so far, love? <3


@tigerlillyruiz Of course, Tigerlilly. <3
            ~Love, as always, Sunset


Thank you sunset 


@tigerlillyruiz I'm truly sorry for your family's loss, love. I hope you're able to get a good night's rest, and if you ever need/want someone to talk to, I'm always here. <3
            ~Love, Sunset


Hey, Tigerlilly, I hope everything's okay; I haven't heard from you in a while. <3
          ~Love, Sunset


@tigerlillyruiz Of course, it's what friends are for. <333
            Yeah, I think it'll be a pretty good season. Thank you, I'm pretty excited too. <33
            ~Love, Sunset


Thank you 
            That sounds cool I hope you have a lot of fun :)  I can't wait to see what you have in store for us :D


@tigerlillyruiz You have nothing to be sorry for, love. I hope you & yours recover smoothly. <33
            I'm doing alright; I can't wait to scare act this fall at my local amusement park, and I have a lot of fun writing adventures in store for everyone. <333
            ~Love, Sunset


Thanks for following me! ❤️


You followed me first lol thanks for thatPlus you seem very nice  if you ever need to vent or anything I'm here and a no judgement zone, but it might take me a bit to reply I can't figure out how to make this app tell me when I have messages if I'm not in it lol 


Hey, Tigerlilly, I hope your week is off to a good start. <33
          ~Love, Sunset


@SunsetMercer i totally get that <3
            Thank you I'll keep that in mind <33


@tigerlillyruiz That's very true, and I know I have an optimistic side; it's just not always a walk in the park to bring it to the surface. <3
            Absolutely, thank you. <33
            Thank you, and the same goes for you. I've been told I'm a great listener, so if you ever want/need to talk, just go on my message board and ask if I'm free to talk; I usually am, but life happens, so it isn't a guarantee. <333
            ~Love, Sunset


@SunsetMercer BD
            Lol thank you, but it's a hard won attitude. I have to choose it and sometimes it's not so easy, but there's always someone who has it worse. I know you can be that optimistic too I can tell and I believe in you <33 
            Of course, I'm just speaking the truth B) progress is progress and it should all be celebrated. I applaud you BD
            Well I'm here if you want to vent or anything and I do mean anything. I am a no judgment zone.  BD 