
Dear bullies,
          	You see that 15 years old girl holding the hand of her one year old son you called a slvt? 
          	She was r@ped at 13
          	You see that boy you made of for being a cry baby? 
          	His best friend committed su!cide last night. 
          	You see that girl you made fun of for having all those bruises?
          	She is being abused by her parents.
          	You see that bald woman you made fun of? 
          	She is dying of Breast cancer. 
          	You see that old man you called ugly? 
          	He had a serious injury during a war for your country. 
          	You see that man you made fun of for having all those burns? 
          	He ran into a burning hospital to save his dead daughter.
          	You see that girl you called fat? 
          	She is starving herself. 
          	You see that boy you called stupid? 
          	He has down syndrome. 
          	Re-post this if you're against bullying. I bet half of you won't. 
          	Started by: @JENNIE_RUBY_J4NE


Huiii wie geht’s dirrrrr ? Was machst duuu? 
          Och findest du nicht das es heute ein schöner Tag ! Bei mir leuchtet ja die Sonne in meinem Gesicht ! Ich chille in meinem Sofa und arbeite an meiner Webtoon Manga.
          Noch einen schönen taggggggggiiiiiii 


@tigris_universitatis mir geht’s auch gut  viel Erfolg beim Test 


            Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy :)
            Mir geht es gut.
            Danke der Nachfrage.
            Wie geht es Dir?
            Jep, mein mir scheint auch die Sonne.
            Muss aber leider für Tests lernen.
            Dir viel Spaß und Erfolg bei deinem Webtoon Manga.
            Wünsche Dir auch einen schönen und sonnigen Tag ;)


Hii wie geht’s dir schon lange nicht mehr gesehen! 
          Wie ist dein Leben so? Hast was wundervolles erreicht?  Mir geht’s eigentlich sehr gut hatte letzten Tage viele Test da ich selber nicht so aktiv sein. Jetzt kann ich dich so richtig nerven!! Ist es bei dir auch so? Manchmal kriegst du Benachrichtigungen nicht! Das habe ich letzten 3 Monaten lang gehabt ! Weisst du wie man das reparieren kann ? Oder ist es immer so? Na ja egal?!
          Hab dich lieb bis später ….


Dear bullies,
          You see that 15 years old girl holding the hand of her one year old son you called a slvt? 
          She was r@ped at 13
          You see that boy you made of for being a cry baby? 
          His best friend committed su!cide last night. 
          You see that girl you made fun of for having all those bruises?
          She is being abused by her parents.
          You see that bald woman you made fun of? 
          She is dying of Breast cancer. 
          You see that old man you called ugly? 
          He had a serious injury during a war for your country. 
          You see that man you made fun of for having all those burns? 
          He ran into a burning hospital to save his dead daughter.
          You see that girl you called fat? 
          She is starving herself. 
          You see that boy you called stupid? 
          He has down syndrome. 
          Re-post this if you're against bullying. I bet half of you won't. 
          Started by: @JENNIE_RUBY_J4NE