
   ✎    .      HERE WE GO! again lol
          	 cb and specify, replies will be sporadic cause im an anon jumper teehee


⠀‎⠀ʚɞ‎ ⠀ pls!!


woah  there,  can't  have  you  falling  for  me  already.  you  alright?


i  guess  so .   (   they   slightly  dust  themself   off,  after   being   set down.  gaze   flickering   around   for   something,   before  setting   his  gaze  on   her   board.     his   ears   replayed   the   pro's   words,   their smile   threatening   to   grow    further,     though   remained    more   composed.    liongzhi   retrieves   her   board   with   ease,   stomping   upon   it,   so   it   lands   up   right,     in   their   right   hands   grasp.   her  vision  returns   to   meet   the   others  own,    )    that's   a   high   compliment..   from   such  a  pretty   bird.
              ┈   im not complaining...!!


well,  you  can't  blame  them.  crowding  together  like  this  after  a  villain  attack  is  just  a  habit.    (    his  lips  curl  upwards  into  a  small  smirk,  like  he  was  refraining  from  laughing  at  some  kind  of  joke  that  only  he  knew.  although  he  was  sure  they  would  be  okay  if  he  let  go,  he  found  himself  hesitanting  for  a  moment  longer  before  releasing  the  hold  he  had  on  the  other.  using  his  feathers  would  have  been  easier  and  saved  more  effort,  but  something  in  him  had  wanted  to  catch  her  with  his  own  hands.    )    nah,  just  the  attractive  ones.
                     ⵢ    i  really  said  "boo!!!"  and  dropped  him  in  your  lap


  i  think  i'd  have  been  even more fine   if   everyone   wasn't   in   the way.  [   he   sighs,   rubbing   his.  head,   before   noticing   the   position   they   were   now   in.   her face   seemed   to   light   up   with   intrigue,   before   a   charming   grin   placed   itself   on   their   features,   ]     do   you   usually  flirt   with   the  people  you   save?
                    ┈   the starter surprised me so hard i love hawks so badly 


☆   real.  you're the only one who understands him ..  he'd be touched to hear you say that  </3


☆   absolutely unprovoked too ..  he could've just said  ' I wanna be pretty too '.   I need all of class - 1A as stickers looking like that 


☆   I ♡ GLAMOUROKI ,,  he has so much potential to be that silly more often.  I make that hand gesture he does all the time


☆   for your second sentence to me ever,  yeah,  it's kinda embarrassing ...  / J    but if you don't think about it too much,  you're more than welcome to stay  <3


          ┈          timed  thread  !!


            ┈         katsu liongzhi 
                parents quirks are clockwork and surround sound. clockwork can change the time on any physical device, be an actual clock or one within a vehicle/mobile device. surround sound can manage the sound within a secured area, making it either quieter or louder towards the user's desires.
                 his parents are japanese and chinese, given their last name and whatnot. 
                   at age five, when their quirk first developed, liongzhi had been playing around with some sort of wooden toy he had. it was most likely old from being thrown around that or it could be meant to be plated more delicately but she was a bit more rowdy at a young age. as all children are. the object had been dropped and broke within impact on the ground, a loud ringing started to eminate through the liongzhi household until the glass windows all burst, glass falling everywhere. though her eyes were teary, he looked more intrigued by what had just happened, the parents were extremely confused. then time seemed to warp backwards and the windows were back as they once were. and so was the young child's toy. their quirk had developed, with traces of both the parents quirks except extremely more useful and powerful. 
                      was never really invested in the idea of being a hero but thought the concept of doing heroic type work or using his quirk for combat. though that thought process was crushed on by the excitement and expectations of her parents. thinking the quirk could save lives indoors and without being reckless, they wanted him to become a doctor. so instead of going to a school that would enhance his quirk performance or get him into any type of hero work, they threw him into elitist private or high class schools for studying. 


       ┈            katsu liongzhi. 
              quirk : time-lapse,  allows the user to manipulate time and sound. is not limited to touch, can be used on more than one person if trained well enough. 
                goes by he/she/they pronouns. with preference for masculine and nuetral terms. laid back, kind individual with an equal amount of spunk and bite to their retorts as well. he never backs down from a battle, not a hero or villain– does things that seem mentally more sound in her opinion. compared to the choices of villains and heroes anyways. more to be written!