
I know I haven’t been active here , and I’m going to start . I wanted to wait until season seven so I’d have more muse , and it worked ! revamp btw , cb for something !


Deke could feel the man getting anxious , he knew the feeling. and more important , he knew what it looked like on a person . Bobo was a great example of that . “ Uh okay “ feel responded . he wasn’t sure why he was being treated like a child , but he knew he didn’t appreciate it . He felt as though his intelligence was being challenged . “ zoo keeper ? you want me to babysit a snake monkey and a dog ?” deke asked confused by the task at hand . he was being expected to pet sit ? in a way though , he felt slightly appreciated , no one trusted him to do much . “ no uh - I can do it” deke responded quickly , stumbling over his words . he knew the man was keeping him busy , but he didn’t care . the chance to do something important overwhelmed his suspicion , and ultimately he agreed to the task .


          “Mhm .” Deke responded , not knowing what else to say . Out of nowhere , he was just adopted ? Albert’s twitching scared Deke slightly , but he really did not want to ask . “ you’re about a few weeks too late . I’ve already been arrested , and drunk . “ deke says with a small chuckle at the memory . That was one hectic day .


“ I uh - yes sir ?” Deke says , scratching his head in confusion. Where was this suddenly coming from? And more important, eh why? He needed answers, but for now, he had to play it cool. Just smile , and pretend this is normal .