Hi guys! I just wanted to let you know that I might be deleting this wattpad account, I barely use it so I apologize for anyone who has been talking to me on it! So, here are my social media accs that I often use. We can talk there!: Discord: tinabbelcher#7003 Instagram: tinabbelcherr Twitter: tinabbelcherr Tumblr: tinabbelcher Thank you guys, for supporting me and reading the books I published here! (even though it was only 3 LOL)

@zebelcher14 You can add my discord if you want! We can talk there, and thank you for supporting my decision! I hope you do well and I love you too, mama! ❤

@Vaggie_Chan Hi sis yea, I was really busy that I didn't have time to be on this app as much as the other ones. But yea, you can add my discord if you want! Thanks for accepting my decision. I hope you are doing really well also and I love you too!

@tinabbelcher I have a Discord account as well! I'll be more than happy to talk to you on there if you'd like! I'll miss you a lot on Wattpad, but I understand your decision and support you in whatever you do. I love you, my daughter. ❤️