
Will publish all my articulated written progress of different fanfics(unfinished) which will go against my initial wish but I think I will be taking another long break(bcs surprise surprise life is taxing af) so to publish a completed fic is an impossible dream lol


Will publish all my articulated written progress of different fanfics(unfinished) which will go against my initial wish but I think I will be taking another long break(bcs surprise surprise life is taxing af) so to publish a completed fic is an impossible dream lol


I forgot to say my thanks for the 50k  thank you so much for reading Four Pillars and to those who was here since the beginning, thank you for staying. You guys had been here since my last year of high school and now I am in my second year of bachelor degree!! Thank you for not giving up on me or this fic all of you and this fic mean a lot to me like a whole lot. Sorry that it’s not finished yet but I am working in it


My acc will be on hiatus for a while. Sorry guys but with everything going on I dont think I can conjure the motivation to write
          Going through some problems and my mental health is decreasing rapidly. Sorry guys for this short notice but I can’t let this affect my works


@tinetinehusband sorry you are having a rough time.  Hope things get better soon. Take your time and love yourself. You are smart to focus on you for a while!


          you have literally made my dream come true of GMMTV's 4 pillars playing the roles of F4 aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh lots of love and happiness and good luck to you!!!! 
          I legit cannot thank you enough!!! I'm going to patiently await updates because this is like a dream AU!!! so excited!!!! 
          This will soothe my BW heart when Bright x Tu happens in F4 :((((
          Though I love the cast of the series to be aired at the end of this year, just WILL MISS BRIGHTWIN !!!
          the two good things that happened to be this quarantine --> 2gther the movie being released soon and THIS AU OF YOURS <33333


@scrubbmetawin very honoured to hear that  and I can't wait to finish this story and even though I have my planned storylines, I always go with the flow so the writing process usually stuck with my spur-of-the-moment habit but I'll try to finish it as fast as I can and stick to the schedule  hopefully it will finish before next year but I highly doubt it thank you though for supporting 


@tinetinehusband yessss Tu and her fangirling over Kpop boy bands is super iconic. I'm glad F4 gets a solid iconic cast that's really hard to not like. But, tbh, I'm just super super excited for your book. Added it to my reading list already, just can't wait more updates!!!! I make it a point to read books only when they're completed so I know I won't have to wait much for updates, but your plot makes me wanna break my own rules hahahahhaa <3


@scrubbmetawin hahahaha thank you!! This really made my day . I too have the same opinions as you as I love the cast but I don't think my heart can move past bw not being together but I am all for Tu(she's amazing and very lovable ). I made this because I was having a hard time accepting Thailand F4 but I will still support the cast so yeah huhu and I was inspired by a video from twitter so I think I should give credit to them more? 
            And the fact you put me beside 2gether movie makes very honoured like . Hahhaha I am not even a good writer so this compliment threw me off balance very much. Thank you anyway for reading my fanfic 


For those who just started reading my fanfic, it will be bw-centric so the POVs would consist of Bright's and Win's only. I may or may not write other versions for OG, KS and TN so I hope you won't be disappointed if OG, KS and TN relationships are only mentioned or just some brief moments for them.
          Thank you 


@tinetinehusband not at all an issue! here for hardcore brightwin stanning!! would love to see if you've got more plots for the other couples, but of course, BW all the way <3