
I wanted to write 
          	something that could capture
          	the way you held me
          	when I was scared of the dark 
          	but also scared of 
          	the flashing lights 
          	that lit false paths. 
          	Words to express 
          	how much I appreciate you
          	and everything you’ve done for me. 
          	For you hid me from death
          	and protected me 
          	when I deserved much less.
          	Something to show the world 
          	that in dark there could be light 
          	and that that light
          	was you. 
          	Harloo. That's just something that I've recently wrote for my best friend who I cannot be more thankful in the world for. If you guys would like me to post more, please let me know as I haven't had much feedback on my latest works even though I know it has been due to my lack of presence around here nowadays. 8 more months until freedom! 


          I read some of ur poems, they're very well written, u have some real talent here. However I would like to point out that u should start reading more stuff by older poets say William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Oscar Wilde, John Milton, Shakespeare, etc, I can let u read some of my poems if u want. I find it quite unfair to spare ur talent on this type of modern poetry. I understand that u r just trying to express ur thoughts and feelings whatsoever, but u can start writing in different styles as well. Anyways u seem like a very promising young girl/boy with great potential. Don't forget READ READ READ and practice writing. Good Luck x
          -A 15 year old 'poet' ;)


I wanted to write 
          something that could capture
          the way you held me
          when I was scared of the dark 
          but also scared of 
          the flashing lights 
          that lit false paths. 
          Words to express 
          how much I appreciate you
          and everything you’ve done for me. 
          For you hid me from death
          and protected me 
          when I deserved much less.
          Something to show the world 
          that in dark there could be light 
          and that that light
          was you. 
          Harloo. That's just something that I've recently wrote for my best friend who I cannot be more thankful in the world for. If you guys would like me to post more, please let me know as I haven't had much feedback on my latest works even though I know it has been due to my lack of presence around here nowadays. 8 more months until freedom!