
still alive. might quit. don't know. goodbye.      for now.


@tinytoro we are always here for you! Don't apologize, if this feels right, then it feels right <3


Hey, I know you don't know me, but you commented on Eclipse at one point & I thought you might appreciate knowing the old full story is on a03. Keep in mind that she wrote 
          using Corpse and Sykkuno, but I missed reading it and wanted to share lol. 


3k reads and 200 votes on the same day!!! I'll be honest I don't have much of Chapter 8 done because I've been just browsing/posting on reddit. I am tinytoroo on reddit if you wanna check me out. (Mostly MCC stuff.) I probably won't continue working on Skeld Destruction until after MCC/May 29th. love you all :)