This name was completely random. LOL 

Hi. My name is Anna but some of my friends call me.. Anna Banana. -shifty eyes- I'm currently writing my story, "Big Brother". Check it out! x] I can read your stories if you want, so leave a message and I'll respond.. unless I'm sleeping. It's a regular thing for me (as you can see in my unoriginal username lmao). I'm really friendly so don't feel like I will eat you! Unless you're tasty.. KIDDING LOL. And please, give me any sort of criticism. Constructive and even hurtful criticism is welcome anytime! >.> I also like to hear predictions about my story. So, yeah. Hope I didn't come off creepy. Well, that's it. The end. :O

"Sir, will my pizza be long?"
"No sir. It will be round."

  • RegistriertDecember 9, 2010

Letzte Nachricht
tiredandhungry tiredandhungry Dec 10, 2010 10:31PM
@Kate-Dimka You're welcome. I really like your story, "I can't help myself. I don't want anyone else". I think you should update soon. x]
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Big Brother von tiredandhungry
Big Brother
Haley Owens is about the most confident girl you'll ever meet. She hates being wrong and can handle any situa...
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