
WHATS UP COCKSUCKERS?? im back (kind of) ive been on the biggest break because ive been focusing on life instead of online so yeah  but, whenever im free from discord and my friends, ill try to update and try and make new chapters to anything i can, so don't expect me to be making chapters like a printer fuckfaces. at least im trying, its the thought that counts, right?  anyways just saying ill SOMETIMES update. I may be gone for months on end, but hey im still here.


WHATS UP COCKSUCKERS?? im back (kind of) ive been on the biggest break because ive been focusing on life instead of online so yeah  but, whenever im free from discord and my friends, ill try to update and try and make new chapters to anything i can, so don't expect me to be making chapters like a printer fuckfaces. at least im trying, its the thought that counts, right?  anyways just saying ill SOMETIMES update. I may be gone for months on end, but hey im still here.


Its been long since i've been active because recently i don't feel like anything. I've lost some of myself trying to get back the old me that  but o well cause sometimes I just is and will always be stuck in the past. Its took a toll on my health, and because of that i am trying to improve by working out (doesn't make much sense but I feel much happier now :yippee:) but ever since i started working out ive never had time to revamp myself in writing and ive got soime crazy wacky ideas so im just waiting for my future where i will have the confidence and time to fully immerse myself in writing again :) ahh silly me. :waky face idfk what its called:


yo uh.. My mom found my account and I was on some naughty part of a story that I was reading so i might not update in a while. see you guys i guess.