
Christianity is just a fandom for Jesus


Okay guys so anybody in the path of Hurricane Irma I severely hope you make it out alive and/or unharmed. I know how serious this is and if anything happens to anybody from your family or any of your friends I severely hope that they are alive after this. Also if any of you watch Game Theory and Film Theory and you watch the streams you will know that a theorist lost his life from flooding in Texas because of Hurricane Harvey. That is all for today everyone I hope you can all make it out of this if you are in the path.


Hi mangle you are going to chosen to be in my ninth chapter all I need you to do is send me a backround and the name of your character


@FoxyfirefistLol Alison Creeton
            Worked as a night guard when she was 22 till she was 23 so she has a year and a half of experience. Has an obsession with MLP.
            And thank you for selecting me!