
          	i totally forgot <//3 but in addition to the last announcement, if you wanna for some reason stay in contact, my discord rn is liarin#4682 so add me there or find my tumblr: ilyrinjo (-: hope to see you there <3 


          i totally forgot <//3 but in addition to the last announcement, if you wanna for some reason stay in contact, my discord rn is liarin#4682 so add me there or find my tumblr: ilyrinjo (-: hope to see you there <3 


this message may be offensive
          right so,,, i've been off for so long i forgot how wp works lol </3 i'm here to announce that i'll be deactivating/deleting this account (: 
          i'm eternally grateful to everyone who has read my shit here, you guys have been awesome <3 the friends i've made here have either been a beautiful journey (still to continue, just not here!!) or a good lesson for later on in life (: it's been so fun these past 3 (?) years but right now, i think i've grown out of this phase in my life and have already started a new one, if that makes sense? haha sorry i'm trying to be a bit poetic or smth 
          i'm sorry i won't be leaving my books for u ): but none of them were actually finished so i hope u don't mind </3 once i'm done backing up what i do wanna save i'll be going through with this.
          many of you probably won't see this in time, many of you were my friends (but many at some point thought it best to stop), many of you were my rock when i needed one and like i said, i am forever grateful!! but i think it's time for me to go (: 
          i love you all and stay safe,,
          — tina <3 


@tirusuna ILL MISS U TINA WINA- pls stay in contact i really wanna talk to u more oftensjshdjsh <333


@sweet-amai thats why ur my fave :D no but i love u even more, thank god i get to stay in contact w u (:< 


@HQUALITY thank u el!! i'm gonna miss reading ur books here the most they're so comforting :c mwah!