
So, it's been a while since I saw Paper Towns at The Night On The Towns, but I've been camping with no cell service or wifi for over a week. But it was amazing! And I love the movie so much!


Hey so if any of you followers out there actually read my works could you like I don't know....tell me? Because lately it seems as though no one reads my works. So I start other books thinking that it will attract more people to them so please, if any one reads my stuff can you comment or vote please? 
          -Hales (aka. doctorwhofan)


Hope everyone has ideas for NaNoWriMo! Remember it stars Nov.1st and I would love to know if any of you are participating! And for those of you who are don't be afraid to share your idea with me I would love to comment and give your feed back!


Ok so hey, its been a long time and yeah I've been almost MIA for the last few months but  I get really bad writers block along with homework and just waiting to be lazy and watch Netflix. But please if you're reading this then tell me or pm me that you still read my books or want me to update because I have turned into a ghost reader in my opinion where I just read and vote and comment and like update once in a blue moon.
          So yeah Hales out :)


Ok so incase you don't know this I have a separate account that I sort of forgot about, but its where my books that are really random and different then what I have on this account. So please take a look I really hope you like it!


*Status* REALLY????? Dude! That's so awesome!!!!! What're you using to publish it? 
          P.S. Nice background :D
          Good luck, my friend! Let me know when it's published!


@doctorwhofan Awesome!! Congratulations! Good luck, then, that'd be so cool if you got it published!


Really it was a contest for poems, I'm now in the running for the grand prize so all the entries that are accepted for the grand prize get there poem published into one of there books. And thank you very much for the background and the news :D