
Since I am still unable to open or read or reply to few comments and open the new chapters, I want to thank you all here. For waiting and staying till the end.
          	I used to write the new chapters only after reading my previous chapters to avoid repetition to some extent and stay on track to avoid plot holes. When the number of chapters increased, the time to read them increased and so did the gap in uploading each chapter. 
          	For the recent chapters, I wanted to re read my book the same way to deliver better but I was unable to open Wattpad all together. I had written longer chapters but realised some things could be repetition. Some could be plot holes. Since I could not check it for my self, I removed those things. It did felt rushed to me in the end but plot holes would have made my efforts futile. I didn't want to risk it. 
          	Besides, I was way too eager to upload and had borrowed someone else's device to upload, I didn't have much time for correction.
          	Since I am not a professor writer and still learning, I hope write better, other stories and bb fanfiction.
          	Thank you everyone for your patience.


@tishta_7 you should have been on the writers team for BB


@tishta_7  thanks for this amazing story. its the best i have read till now. love your writing too. waiting for your return.


Thank you for this wonderful story!! This  will be now the story I consider for BB and not the trash the serial turned into.
          	  I hope u write more so we can read more from you. Wonderful job! But most importantly thank you for completing it!! 


Hello author, You know, I started reading your book quite late and I completed it in just two days. Trust me, I have never read a better (Barrister babu) fan fiction than this. Oh my God, your writing skills are unmatchable. This was exactly why I needed in (BB) fiction, I've recently read a lot of fanfiction of BB but none of them will be able to beat yours. I don't know if you'll see this or not but I want to let you know that YOU WRITE DAMN GOOD, the way you showed the tension between the characters that was not really shown in the show because of course controversial issues and the way writers ruined the show after the leap (your story was better than the show's story), the way you showed other side of the story, it's incredible trust me ,and I (if you are able to) want you to write more books



          Just wanted to ask, can we expect more of bb fanfiction in future from your side.
          Or any other book which you'll be writing in future , if yes then we'll be looking forward to it.
                                       ~Best Wishes for future.


@MisterBear420 thank you so much.
            I do want to write more and I will try to.